On August 22, 2024
The New Tale of Taira began with this cover image. Thanks to the kind support of the Kenkichi Sugimoto Museum, I have several of Sugimoto's works to choose from. Kenkichi Sugimoto and Eiji
Yoshikawa were close friends through the novel. After the two died long times ago, one still feels Sugimoto's outstanding commitment to Eiji Yoshikawa. I take this painting for the first English
translation book that is now starting. The Lady Gion symbolizes Yoshikawa's intention so clearly. You can tell from her gesture and facial expression that Kiyomori's mother, the wife of Tadamori,
who looks back at her grimly, is not interested in the venerable religion of Buddhism. She is firmly convinced that she belongs to the novels, not samurais. Sie can live the life of an
aristocratic lady with her beauty.